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Importance of Oral Health Care


Being healthy is not about taking care of your diet and staying physically fit but also it is important to take care of your bright smile. Oral health care is very important but many people are not into it. Your teeth are responsible for chewing the food you eat. You can’t live without food so there is no way you should ignore your teeth and gums.

How to maintain good oral health?

Because of various risk factors, it is essential to take care of your oral health so that you can smile brightly. Some of the things you should follow to prevent any oral problem.

  • Brushing teeth two times a day
  • Floss daily
  • Brush gently and don’t brush for too long
  • Use mouthwash and toothpaste with fluoride formula
  • Stop smoking or using other tobacco products
  • Visit your dentist at least once a week

Need of a dentist

A dentist deals with oral health problems and diseases and provides treatments to help you smile confidently. A dentist examines your mouth completely and gives you instructions accordingly. In case of disease or other complications, they provide you with different treatments. Like you may have a cracked or chipped tooth that needs to be treated. Or you may have gum disease or tooth problems, so you can get them treated when you see a dentist on time.

You can contact experienced dentists with great medical knowledge and book an appointment. You can visit them for general dentistry like regular examinations, root canal, filling, and you can get other treatments like fluoride treatments, teeth whitening, and many more.

When to visit a dentist?

It’s not like when you get an oral problem or disease only then you can see a dentist. It is important because through thorough checkups they inform you about your oral health. A dentist tells you if you are doing well or not and if there is a potential chance of any disease.

If you have a disease that can result in weakening your gums, if you are taking medication that dries your mouth or causes oral pain or if you feel anything different or painful you should go for a checkup. Also, other than that some situations require you to go to a dental clinic immediately as delay can result in complicating the situation.

Common oral health problems

Cavity – It is a very common tooth problem and it happens due to negligence in oral hygiene. The bacteria called plaque builds up on teeth and destroys the enamel that causes pain.

Gum disease – This is not taken seriously sometimes in the early stages but if you notice that your gums are bleeding frequently, or gums are reddish or any inflammation you should see a dentist because it can have serious results like loose teeth or inability to eat.

Oral cancer – It is common in people who smoke a lot. Also, chemotherapy for cancer patients can cause an oral problem due to drying mouth, tasting problems, and more.

Other diseases – Some diseases result in tooth pain, tooth loss, and many other oral problems.


Sometimes it’s not like people don’t know how to take care of their teeth and gums but people are just ignorant of its importance and can’t make time for it until they develop oral problems. So, oral health care helps in maintaining overall health. It is said that anyone who is above 19 years of age is likely to develop some oral diseases but you can reduce oral health problems if you follow your dentist’s instructions.